Instagram Tweets by @Yazizan

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Nature feels soo sweet

As I always say, Nature feels soo sweet!

Always constantly discovering the outdoors. I find it a way to relax and ease me, hearing the ocean and river flowing always sets me at a smooth constant mood from all the pain and struggles I have overcame or currently overcoming; life is a struggle for everyone. Going outside in the nature, discovering the outdoors of life always reminds me of my past history of how I was always  trapped. Now I have the freedom to discover, and explore everything I want and possibly could do. Freedom is something I take for granted but too much freedom is bad. Life is based on time management, either wasting it on the good or the bad things. It's so easy to do the bad but that's not the path everyone should take. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it's good! It's easy to be a coach potato, it is easy to be unhealthy;going out partying and drink everyday, and really easy to let your body go and spend all your hard working money  that you earned in one single night. I fell of the bad stage of  timing before, and I will try my best never to do; but as everyone else I am human and I will learn from my mistakes and better myself as each and every other human does. Life is beautiful and it is what you make it, so make the best time of your life and it will reward you back. Go out, live, laugh , and discover; set new goals and do something different, who knows you might learn something new about yourself!  As I always say, nature feels soo sweet!

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